"Health, Happiness & Peace Never Depends on Luck, They are Self-Grained."

What is Detox?

We all want to lead healthy lives, free of any kind of ailment – finding the perfect balance between a healthy body and mind. In order to achieve that one needs to follow a disciplined lifestyle, comprising a healthy diet and workout regime.

However, what is more important than this is the need to detox the body using a proper cleansing process so that your body gets rid of the harmful toxins. Given our hectic schedules and lifestyle, it gets very difficult to follow a detox cleanse program religiously.

But if you wish to undertake a detox cleanse, then we have a few effective ways to do so, which will not take much of your time and effort. Let’s look at them in greater detail below.

How to Detox Your Body?

The process of detoxification starts in the liver. This organ converts the toxic substances to extremely reactive metabolites and then lets them out from the system through the excretory method.

Your lungs, kidneys, and even gut play a major role in detoxifying your body. Your body can be impacted by toxins in more ways than one. The most dangerous of all the toxins are the steady and persistent, low-grade toxins such as the ones you consume along with fruits and vegetables when you consume them without washing properly.

While you may not experience the reactions immediately, the impact it has on your body is real and it will not only cause chronic health issues and inflammation in the long run but will also pose as a hindrance to your weight loss process.

Here are simple ways how to detox your body:

1. Yoga


Yog Vidha is a precious gift of the ancient Rishi-Munis of India. According to Yog Darshan “Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha” which means that by performing yoga one can control his chit (mann). Detoxification program includes practicing yoga twice a day under the supervision of a yoga expert. It helps to correct the functioning and cleaning of the body.

2. Shatkarma

It is the complete cleansing process of whole human body by using the different yogic techniques (Yogic Kriya}.

Neti:  Neti is the cleansing technique of our nostril with the help of water. Water is the poured into the left nostril 7 comes out from the right nostril with all waste material, cough & harmfull bacteria. Same process is repeated from right nostril.

Kunjal : This is process of cleansing the track from mouth to stomach. It involves drinking of warm salty water until the stomach is full and then voluntarily expelling it through the mouth. It is a very simple to practice.

Tratak : Tratak Kriya is the complete sadhna (Devotion to God), mind control & awakening. It helps you in understanding the ind & making its unseen powers active. It is a cleansing process of eyes also.

Kapal bhati Kriya : This is the authentic and the scientific cleansing process. In this kriya we forcefully breathe out the stomach goes in. Liver, Kidney, Pancreas, Spleen and intestines’ is Increased, Dead cells becomes alive, Cough, weakness of brain, infection of bronchitis, acidity, constipation are curable.

3. Shankha Prakshalana

The word shankha prackshalana is derived from two words, Shankha Means  “Coach” & Prakshalana means “to wash completely”. The word shanka is used to represent the entire alimentary canal from mouth to anus. Shankha Prakshalana is the process of cleaning the intestinal tract by removing the impurities with the help of salty water. This practice is also a part of Kayakalpa.

Kaya means “body” & kalpa means “Transformation”. Kayakalpa is an ayurvedic technique for physical purification & Transformation.
Note: This must be performed only under the supervision of a yoga Guru.

4. Naturopathy


Naturopathy, it is a unique system which seeks to create harmony of the individual with the creative principles of the physical, mental, moral and
spiritual planes of life. It has immense potential for health promotion, curative as well as revitalizing.

What is Detox Diet?

Consume whole foods in your diet. These include fresh and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, whole grains, spices like curcumin, herbs like garlic and ginger, that will help with your body detox, reduce inflammation, and fight free radicals that cause oxidative stress- a major cause for chronic diseases in the body.

You can go in for a balanced meal comprising a healthy quantity of essential macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Opt for more organic plant-based foods. Avoid any kind of processed, high-sugar and salt foods.

Remember that having a healthy diet is the most important way to detoxify the body, which will consequently build a stronger immune system, aid in weight loss, lessen inflammation, and keep chronic diseases at bay.

Who Shouldn't Try a Detox Diet?

  • Detox diet should be taken only under the guidance of a qualified health professional or medical doctor.
  • Pregnant or nursing women and children should not go ona detox diet.
  • People with certain health conditions such as liver or kidney disease should only try itundera trained Yoga Teacher.

Benefits of Detoxification Programmes

During the Detoxification program people often report improved energy level.

Clearer skin, regular bowel movements, improved digestion and increased concentration and dramatic loss in their weights.

Our Services

Yoga, Naturopathy, Panchkarma, Acupressure, Physiotherapy.

Sivapta Wellness Centre

N-003, Ground Floor, Antriksh Forest, Sector-77 Noida 201301
Email: sivaptawellness@gmail.com
M.: 8368660895

10 Days Weight Loss Program